The survey Package for R: What, How, and Why?
Join us on Wednesday, February 5th at 3:45-5:15 PM Eastern Time!
Register here for the online webinar:
We will also be in-person on the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health campus in Kresge G2.
Register for the in-person event in Kresge G2 here:
At this time the in-person event is only open to Harvard ID holders, but please register if you have an HUID and would like to join!
Please note this webinar will be recorded and posted to our YouTube channel
Talk Description from Dr. Lumley:
The survey package for R was developed to allow routine statistical analysis to account for complex sampling designs, and to provide a platform for new research. I will explain how the package represents survey designs and the importance of influence functions in thinking about and implementing survey analyses generically. I will also talk about some of the analyses the package supports and some it does not support. There will be extended time for discussion: bring your questions.
Speaker Bio
Thomas Lumley is Professor of Biostatistics in the Statistics Department at the University of Auckland. He is the developer of the R survey package and most of his methods research now is in sampling and design-based inference. Thomas is originally from Australia. His PhD is from the University of Washington, Seattle, supervised by Patrick Heagerty; he then spent 12 years on the faculty there before moving to New Zealand. Thomas is a member of the R Core team, a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and the Royal Society of New Zealand, and an elected member of the ISI.