Lightning Talks with HKS Data+Donuts!

Join us for Lightning Talks on Friday April 26th, 2024 at 2-3 PM Eastern Time!

Join us for lightning talks! Our best lightning talk will win a $50 Amazon gift card! And audience members can win a prize too! If you’re interested in attending, join us in-person on the Harvard Kennedy School campus in Wexner 434B, Friday April 26th, 2-3pm and register here: Sign-up to Join In-Person or Online

Here is a map of the Harvard Kennedy School campus to help you find Wexner Building. Outside guests can show a drivers license to get in.

In-person audience members can win (by raffle entry) one of either a physical copy of Advanced R, 2nd Edition, by Hadley Wickham, or R for Political Data Science: A Practical Guide, by Francisco Urdinez and Andres Cruz.

Additionally, we will have an raffle for one online US-based audience member to receive (by-mail) a physical copy of R for Data Science, 2nd Edition, by Hadley Wickham, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, and Garrett Grolemund.

What is a lightning talk?

A lightning talk is a short, fast paced talk about a topic you’d like to share, but might not be fit for a longer, formal presentation. We’re not looking for your most polished research, but rather something that gets you excited about R! Some ideas include: a short tutorial on a feature in R that you find particularly exciting or useful, different ways of approaching a problem you’ve encountered in your code, discussing a problem you’re currently struggling with in R, or even just a fun application of R. The goal of a lightning talk is to spark a conversation about your topic and increase awareness among your fellow useRs!

For Speakers:

We ask that each lightning talk be limited to 5-8 minutes. The use of slides is strongly encouraged, but should be used sparingly to support the topic, rather than the focus of the lightning talk – think: a cool plot that supports your topic or a critical code chunk that you’d like to highlight. We also welcome our speakers to do a live demo in R if that is their preferred format, but will request that slides with static code are provided prior to the event in case of technology failures and for distribution after the event. All slides will be requested to be submitted to by 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 (Two days in advance).

(Speakers have already been selected and speaker sign-up has now closed).