Intro to Git and GitHub with R and RStudio

Join us August 18th at 5PM Eastern Time!

Join us to learn about how to use the Git software to version control your code and much more. Version control software, like Git, is like track changes for your code, but even more powerful! Git enables you not just to track the iterations of your codebase, but to easily collaborate with others (without emailing zip files back and forth!), to go back in time to check how your code used to look, to safely test out new ideas, and much more. GitHub is an online service that provides free Git services so you can use it to backup your Git repositories, share them with others – and even build out websites and a professional portfolio of your software and programming work. GitHub is one of the most relevant technologies for any programmer, so we welcome you to join us to learn how you can leverage Git and GitHub for your R programming adventures!

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