Introduction to ggplot2

Join us December 2nd at 5PM Eastern Time for an introduction to {ggplot2}!

Do you want to take your data visualization skills to the next level? Come to our talk on ggplot2, a package in R that uses the grammar of graphics system to make it easy to create everything from simple and stunning to complex and sophisticated plots.

Our talk will cover three ways to use ggplot2:

  1. the basic ways you can use ggplot2 to create simple data visualizations,
  2. the extensions to ggplot2 that you should know about and help you quickly create more advanced data visualizations, and
  3. how you can create functions that use ggplot2 to help you automate creating data visualizations.
Our talk is intended to provide you the resources and know-how to create data visualizations that accelerate your research, knowledge discovery, and the communication of your findings.
